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Our Day

Opportunities to Play

Art & Creating

Creating art in a play-based learning environment exposes children to process vs product-focused art. Process-focused art experiences have no rules and no examples to guide the children. There is no right or wrong way to create. Creating can also look like creating a block tower or creating a scene of dramatic play with dress up clothes. There are many opportunities for children to create daily!

Music & Song

Music is used in our classroom to soothe and create movement for the children. It's also used for transitions and helps children with early literacy skills like rhyme and rhythm. 

Like Bev Bos says, songs are hooks to hang memories on. 

Movement & Gross Motor

Children need to move in order to take in new information. Aside from getting outside every day, we create opportunities for children to move their whole bodies in the classroom with yoga, freeze/lava games, dance parties, and more!

Discuss & Observe

To build communication skills, we work with every child and ask them engaging questions. What does it feel like? Can you describe it? We try to involve all of our senses. We also have a bilingual teacher who enjoys bringing Spanish into the classroom!   We also have an optional circle time daily for children to engage in with books, songs, finger plays and story sharing. 


We have sensory tables for children to explore their senses every day. Also, children can come up with their own concoctions in the sensory table mixing dry and wet materials together or adding different elements to see what happens.  

Outside Play

During the summer, we encourage water and mud play. During the winter we bundle up the children and if snow permitting, build snowman, throw snow balls or go sledding down our hill! We also have a weekly walking field trip to nearby parks. 

Our Daily Rhythm


8:00 AM - Center Opens


  • Children play indoors and out (with materials including but not limited to blocks, art materials, easels, books & stories, puzzles, sensory tubs, music, writing tools, playdough and clay, dress-up, manipulatives, loose parts, obstacle courses, sand and water, and large-motor equipment that encourages climbing, throwing, running, and swinging)

  • Snacks are available throughout the day as children are hungry.

  • Lunch and rest times are provided in the middle of the day, but if someone is sleepy at another time, we are accommodating. 

  • Children continue their indoor and outdoor play


5:00 PM - Center Closes

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